The Benefits of a Pitching Machine

The Benefits of a Pitching Machine

The Benefits of a Pitching Machine! How a Pitching Machine Can Make Your Team More Versatile When it comes to managing a baseball team, the best way to prepare your team to play an upcoming game well, and to play well throughout the season, is to teach them how to be versatile. A pitcher may need to play the position of a short stop, the outfielders may need to adjust their positions in the outfield according to the batter, and all of the players may need to learn how to hit against a certain type of pitch. One way you...

Apr 03, 2021 0 comments

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How to choose the right pitching machine.

How to choose the right pitching machine.

How to choose the right pitching machine. In baseball and softball, there is a saying: ‘You get what you train for.’ That means anyone who wants to prepare themselves or their team to play well in a live game needs to invest in the right pitching machine. For many people, when they look for a pitching machine to buy, they look for one that replicates the curve ball and fastball. Those are difficult pitches to master, and they are even more difficult to replicate, but there is more to consider when choosing the right pitching machine.  Below are some other...

Apr 03, 2021 0 comments

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Portolite Portable Pitching Mounds

Portolite Portable Pitching Mounds

Portolite Portable Pitching Mounds Portolite pitching mound Products introduced its first product at an indoor, professional baseball training facility in 1989. Three years of rigorous testing in various indoor and outdoor environments, at all age levels, led to the engineering and materials needed to provide you, the customer, the very best, environmentally friendly, portable pitching mound products available, anywhere. Portolite products are built with pride in materials and craftsmanship, and our customers are treated as if our business depended on them. Which, of course, it does. Portolite portable pitching mound uses the strongest nylon turf. It is hard and stands up to abrasion better....

Apr 03, 2021 0 comments

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The Best Portable Pitching Mound For Little League Baseball

The Best Portable Pitching Mound For Little League Baseball

The Best Portable Pitching Mound For Little League Baseball We so many travel ball leagues are using practice or bullpen mounds for gameplay and it hurts our hearts. These are okay in the cage or pen, but expecting a pitcher at any level to also play baseball off of this mound is thoughtlessly dangerous. It is a shame to see so many leagues use these terrible mounds. It is not only bad for the young kids but it also doesn't teach them the right machines for pitching off a major league mound. A great portable game mound will replicate the...

Oct 01, 2019 0 comments

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Welcome to Baseball Mound Supply

Welcome to Baseball Mound Supply

Welcome to Baseball Mound Supply Welcome to Baseball Mound Supply we are a portable baseball pitching mound distributor on the West Coast and online. Our mission is to bring high-quality, affordable, durable portable baseball pitching mounds to a ballpark near you. We have seen a growth in sports complexes and ballparks being used for softball all throughout the nation and especially here on the West Coast. We know that fields are now being built to accommodate different sports to play on them. Baseball is the number one sport having portable baseball pitching mounds makes it easy to switch between sports not to...

Oct 01, 2019 1 comment

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