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Portolite Mounds


Minnesota can be a tough place to play ball in the winter, spring and fall. In 1988, Mike Hoppe, a hard-throwing southpaw for the Hamel Hawks, was in search of a portable mound for his off-season training and conditioning. Dissatisfied with the hard-shell, extremely heavy products available at the time, and tired of refinishing the gym floor it scratched, gouged, and generally trashed, he decided to find a better way.

Portolite Products introduced its first product at an indoor, professional baseball training facility in 1989. Three years of rigorous testing in various indoor and outdoor environments, at all age levels, led to the engineering and materials needed to provide you, the customer, the very best, environmentally friendly, portable pitching mound products available, anywhere.

Portolite products are built with pride in materials and craftsmanship, and our customers are treated as if our business depended on them. Which, of course, it does.

We'd like to add you to our growing list of satisfied Portolite customers.

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